UHSSC 2012 Details

The Competition

There will be eight teams of six to ten student members and one mentor each.

The competition is threefold:

System Configuration Challenge: Each team will configure their system for a cluster environment as efficiently as possible.

Software Optimization Challenge: Each team will be running with the same system parameters and modify and extend a software module to minimize the execution time.

UHSSC cluster The "Hotseat" Challenge: The teams are presented with a problem and asked to generate the code and optimize their system at the SLVSEF site.

The execution times of all three of the above challenges will be combined to assign an Overstock.com Grand Prize winner.

The scoring will take place on a public Google Documents Spreadsheet.

A Green Initiative

The UHSSC makes use of retired supercomputers that are no longer suitable for research, but more than suitable for use by high school students. This year we will be recycling an Angstrom Titan64 Supercomputer provided by CHPC to build ten smaller machines which will be used by the UHSSC teams. One partially deconstructed nest of the Titan 64 is pictured on the right.
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