UHSSC Sponsors

List of Sponsors

Sponsor Description
Google RISE Google RISE – Roots in Science and Engineering – Awards are designed to promote and support Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) and Computer Science (CS) education initiatives. Google RISE grants awards to organizations working with K-12 (primary & secondary schools) and university students to provide enrichment programs in these fields.
Overstock.com Overstock.com is an online retailer offering a wide variety of high-quality, brand-name merchandise and services at discount prices. They give customers an opportunity to shop for bargains conveniently, while offering manufacturers, distributors and other retailers an alternative sales channel.
U of U Center for High Performance Computing The University of Utah's Center for High Performance Computing provides large-scale computer systems, networking, and the expertise to optimize the use of these high-end technologies
Salt Lake Valley Science and Engineering Fair The fair is an annual science competition for students in grades 5-12. The fair is operated by the Center for Science and Mathematics Education (CSME) at the University of Utah and is typically held in the spring.
Utah Education Network The Utah Education Network is a consortium of public education partners who's mission is to network to create educational opportunities, connect citizens, and collaborate with partners, serving Utah communities.

Want to Be a Sponsor?

Contact us:
Dan McGuire [email protected]
Kasimir Gabert [email protected]

$1000 Sponsors will have prizes named after their organization.
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